As regular readers will no doubt be aware (and tired of me mentioning!), one of my main passion projects is CC: Tweaked, a Minecraft mod which adds programmable computers to the game. While most of my time is spent on general bug fixing and maintenance, at the end of 20221 I sat down and put together a list of features that I thought would help improve the user experience of the in-game interface.
One of improvements I really wanted to make was to error messages. Most of the people using the mod are beginners to programming, and so I want to make the experience as friendly as possible.
There’s several ways we could go about this. The obvious route would be to modify Lua’s compiler, trying to improve the quality of parse errors. However, there’s a limit of how much we can do there - we have to preserve the API, which prevents us from providing richer error messages2.
Instead, the approach I went for was to handle these errors inside our Lua code. When we get a syntax error from the Lua compiler, we’ll re-parse it using a custom parser and provide a friendlier error.
Of course, this now means we need to write our own parser3. I’ve written several Lua parsers over the years, the most recent being for illuaminate, another project of mine. illuminate also had a problem with bad quality parser errors, so this felt like a good way to kill two birds with one stone.
I’ve written a more in-depth post into the illuaminate side of things. I’d really recommending reading that first, if you’ve not already! In it, we use the Menhir parser generator to parse Lua, and then lrgrep to handle errors.
Unfortunately, illuaminate is written in OCaml, and so all this work isn’t especially useful if we want to use it from Lua.
Or maybe it is? As you may recall, LR(1) parsers work by consulting a big lookup table and using those to decide whether to push or pop items. It’s worth noting that the code for doing this isn’t actually generated by Menhir — it’s been hand-written beforehand. In fact, the lookup tables are the only thing that Menhir generates.4
You can probably see where this is going now. We can use Menhir to generate our lookup table (Menhir actually has a really nice API to do this), and then write our own generic LR(1) parser in Lua which uses these lookup tables.
The story is pretty similar for lrgrep. Instead of a lookup table, lrgrep generates a tiny bytecode, which is then consumed by an OCaml interpreter. We can port this interpreter to Lua, and things Just Work(TM)!

I really wish I could make this blog post more exciting. I love these sorts of projects — ones which seem a little silly (“sure! let’s convert OCaml to Lua”), but solve a genuine problem. Well, a problem I made up for myself at least. Alas, the code in question is really quite simple, and there’s only so much I can do about that!
If you want to check out the original code, it is available on GitHub. I should warn you it is very bare-bones — it does enough for my use case, and nothing more. The parser doesn’t even support semantic actions!
Yes, this is another very late blog post - I did the brunt of this work in early 2023.↩︎
I’m also a little scared by the Lua parser. It’s a single pass parser, meaning it skips building an AST and emits bytecode directly. It’s honestly pretty neat, but also makes it incredibly complex, and I’d like to not make it worse.↩︎
I did actually get a significant way through writing a recursive descent parser before I got fed up. I found the error-handling code I was writing was getting increasingly unwieldy. This is almost definitely a case of me doing something wrong, but got me looking for other options.↩︎
Well, and the semantic actions (the user-provided code which actually builds the AST). As we just want to provide error messages, we can ignore those.↩︎